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‘Dark Before Dawn’ (feat. The Lost) 02 . ‘The Thin Line’ (feat. Dorchester X) 03 . ‘Skulls’ (feat. Black Sunday) 04 . ‘Never Felt Better’ (feat. The Lost) 05 . ‘A Million Miles Away’ (feat. Dorchester X) 06 . ‘Prelude to Pain’ (feat. The Lost) 07 . ‘Over and Over Again’ (feat. The Lost) 08 . ‘Trust No One’ (feat. Bizzare) 09 . ‘No Love’ (feat. The Lost) 10 . ‘Not Yet Dead’ (feat. The Lost) 11 . ‘Ascension’ (feat. The Lost) 12 . ‘So Cold (feat. Ozzy Jones) Click to read full articleQ: Why the style of searchView is not the same as the default style of android.R.layout.simple_search_view I've changed the default style of simple_search_view @color/colorPrimary @color/colorPrimaryDark @color/colorAccent @color/colorSecondary @style/DropDownSpinner @style/SpinnerButton @style/SearchView @color/selectableItemBackground
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